Zapantis Wins a Flip to Oust Zuczkowski
Level 18: 6,000/12,000 (12,000)
Entries: 167/1,444
Karl-Heinz Metz opened for 20,000 from middle position before Ronald Zapantis three-bet to 75,000 from the hijack. Xavier Zuczkowski four-bet shoved for 113,000. Metz folded and Zapantis called with Zuczkowski at risk.
Xavier Zuczkowski: A♦K♥
Ronald Zapantis: 9♣9♥
The 5♥8♦4♣3♦8♣ runout ran dry for Zuczkowski and he along with Yoan Dody, Giuseppe Marone, and James Clarke in different hands found themselves with chips nor a chair near the money bubble.
Ronald Zapantis – 1.3 million
Xavier Zuczkowski – 0