Taylor Stamps Out Stampe First on Day 1b

Level 1: 100/300 (300)
Entries: 145/147

Michael Stampe was the first player out on Day 1b. Thomas Jakobsen was kind enough to recap the hand.

Stampe flopped Yahtzee with six-trey on a five-four-deuce flop with Simon Taylor holding pocket fives for the top set. Some chips went in with more following after Stampe was drawing dead to Taylor’s full house after a deuce paired the board on the turn.

The big action happened after a king completed the board on the river. Stampe bet 6,000 before calling off his stack facing a jam by Taylor.

Shortly after, Thomas O’Neill also hit the rail during the final few hands of Level 1.

Simon Taylor – 100,000
Michael Stampe – 0
Thomas O’Neill – 0

Simon Taylor

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