Tastanis Turns Up the Heat

Level 11: 1000/2500 (2500)
Entries: 62/158

An intriguing hand played out between Michail Tastanis and Corentin Pierre Soulier (pictured below). Soulier opened the pot and called Tastanis’s 3-bet to 14,000, setting the stage for a strategic showdown.

The flop came 10A7, and after Soulier checked, Tastanis responded with an unusually small bet of just one blind. The turn brought the 7, pairing the board, and this time Tastanis upped the pressure with a sizable bet of 26,500. Soulier took his time but eventually made the call.

When the river 3 landed, Soulier snap-checked, and Tastanis fired out 77,000. After a few moments of contemplation, Soulier decided to muck his hand, giving Tastanis the pot.

Michail Tastani: 240,000
Corentin Pierre Soulier: 120,000

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