Harrison Flushes Lu to the Rail

Level 21: 10,000/20,000 (20,000)
Entries: 96/1,460

Ashley Harrison opened for a min-raise from middle position before Jiany Lu three-bet shoved for 160,000 from one seat over. Harrison found a call and the cards were tabled.

Jiany Lu: AK
Ashley Harrison: 108

Lu was ahead and improved to the top two pair on the AK10 flop. However, Lu wasn’t out of the woods yet as Harrison had a flush draw to fade.

The 2 turn was safe for Lu, but the 6 spiked the river to give Harrison a set.

Lu was the consummate gentleman throughout the entire Grand Event and this was also the case after his unfortunate demise.

“Good game and good luck,” said Lu while fist-bumping Harrison before leaving for the cashier.

Jiany Lu

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