Eskridge Doubles Through Massimo
Level 13: 4,000/8,000 (8,000)
Entries: 55/279
Wilhelmine Connolly limped from under the gun before Colin Cooper limped behind from middle position. Jason Eskridge three-bet jammed for 94,000 from the button before Oliver Mihajlovski went into the tank from the small blind. Eventually, Mihajlovski four-bet shoved for more than 200,000. Connolly and Cooper folded and the players tabled their hands.
Jason Eskridge: 9♠9♦
Oliver Mihajlovski: 6♦6♠
Eskridge doubled up through Mihajlovski with the better pair after the A♥5♠4♦8♠J♦ ran out on the board.
Meanwhile, Nial Mullally, Sven Meschede, Helene Etter, Miroslaw Borowicz, Maciej Makoladra, Dominik Frank, Thomas Lowter, Martynas Racinskas, and David Lehnen all hit the rail during Level 13 to leave just 55 players remaining.
Jason Eskridge – 220,000
Oliver Mihajlovski – 140,000