“Book Says I Shouldn’t Call But I Haven’t Read the Book”

Level 14: 5,000/10,000 (10,000)
Entries: 47/279

A bit of fun broke out on Table 2. It began when Colin Cooper opened for 25,000 from the button. Domenico Gala three-bet shoved for 120,000. Cooper was in the tank for about five minutes, during which time tons of banter took place.

“What do you have?” asked Cooper. “Pocket nines?”

“No,” responded Gala after rechecking his cards.

“Do you have tens?” asked Cooper. “Check your cards again.”

Gala checked his cards before denying he had tens.

“Do you have jacks?” Cooper was quick to ask. “Check again.”

The entire table erupted in laughter at this point and Cooper went back into the tank.

“Book says I shouldn’t call,” Cooper humorously said. “But I haven’t read the book.”

“I will show you one card if you fold,” said Gala. “You get to see two if you call.”

Cooper folded about a minute later and Gala was a man of his word. His opponent chose the A.

“What did you have?” asked Gala.

“A lot of paint,” responded Cooper before the entire table laughed. “Was hoping for undercards to my paint.”

Meanwhile, Marcin Jaworski, Karl-Heinz Metz, Paul Hunt, Roy Trickett, Mattias Andersson, Timothee Rey, and Jakub Chmelensky were all eliminated during the early portion of Level 14 to leave just 47 players remaining with 44 reaching the money.

Colin Cooper – 375,000
Dominico Gala – 160,000

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