Albrigtsen Destroys Two Players Dreams

Level 15: 6,000/12,000 (12,000)
Entries: 44/291

It was a brutal ending for Pavle Pecelj and Svajunas Seduikis by the hands of Ronny Albrightsen. Pavle effectively jammed for 70,000, leaving just 1,000 back from middle position. Seduikis called off for slightly less from the hijack before Albrightsen called from the button.

Peclej’s remaining chip went in the middle on the 4Q7 flop. The hands at the others tables were being finished before players turned over their cards.

Svajunas Seduikis: AK
Pavle Pecelj: KK
Ronny Albrigtsen: A6

“Running hearts, please,” pleaded the big-stacked Albrigtsen.

Albrigtsen got his wish to the delight of the other players after the 9 turn and [/pcn]Th[/pcn] river completed the board for Albirghtsen to oust two players on the money bubble.

The remaining field of 44 players each locked up at least a €900 min-cash. They will collect a payout slip tonight after bagging and tagging their chips into Sunday’s Day 2.

Stay tuned for the final chip counts from the 44 Day 1b survivors shortly.

Ronny Albrigtsen – 1,046,000
Pavle Pecelj – 0
Svajunas Seduikis – 0

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